Add these adorable printable Valentine’s Day cards to a can of Play Doh for a cute and easy valentine gift perfect for elementary school kids.
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and if you’re looking for a good non-candy valentine for your child to hand out in their elementary school classroom, these Play Doh valentines are a really fun option.
And I’ve got printable tags you can download below!
There are three punny sayings on the tags:

- You are DOH best!
- DOH you want to be my valentine?
- You’re a won-DOH-ful friend.
What can I say? I love a good pun!
You can put these together simply with just can of Play Doh and a tag tied directly to the can or zhush them up as much or as little as you want.
To assemble the Valentines, you will need:
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Materials Needed
- Printable Valentines (download at the bottom of this post)
- White Cardstock
- Play Doh
- Cellophane Treat Bags (Clear or Hearts)
- Heart Shaped Cookie Cutters, optional
- Ribbon or Twine
- Hole Punch
- Scissors
Step 1: Download the cards and print them onto white cardstock. Cut out the cards. Punch a hole in one corner.
Step 2: Place a can of Play Doh in a clear treat bag, then place a heart shaped cookie cutter on top. This step is optional, but it is really fun to cut Play Doh with cookie cutters and makes the gift seem even more perfect for Valentine’s Day.
Optional: If you want to take it even a step further, fill a tiny plastic bag with sequins or gems and then the kids can cut out the hearts and decorate them with the embellishments!
Step 3: Tie the bags closed with a piece of ribbon and attach the tags to the bag.
Cute, fun and easy!
Get the printable valentines cards here
I was also thinking this would make a great activity at a class valentine’s party, especially if you include the cookie cutters and gems. Then each kid can cut play dough hearts and decorate them during class party time and take it home afterwards. I am volunteering in my son’s class for their Valentine’s Day party and I think this is the activity I’m going to do with them.
See even more printable Valentines ideas here!