How to Make Gift Lollipops

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Turn plastic bowls into darling oversized lollipops filled with candy and little gifts. These can be made for any holiday or occasion.

Let’s make a craft! Today I’m going to show you how to make the cutest giant lollipop gifts. They are made from disposable plastic bowls and paper straws and you can fill them with candy and little gifts. They are such a fun and creative way to give a gift.

I made mine for Valentine’s Day, but change up the colors and you could easily give them as birthday presents or make them match any holiday. Wouldn’t it be fun to make some for Halloween?

Here are the supplies you will need:

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Materials Needed

  • Clear Plastic Bowls
  • Paper Straws
  • Plastic Bread Bag, Ziplock Bag or Cellophane Gift Bag
  • Ribbon
  • Shredded Paper
  • Glue Gun
  • Clear Tape

I bought these bowls from Dollar Tree. They’re in the party section by the disposable serving dishes. They measure 4 inches across. But any kind of clear, thin plastic disposable bowl or cup should work.

You can use any kind of plastic bag, but I chose a bread bag because it’s really thin and all of the cellophane bags I had were too small. If all you have is a gallon sized ziplock bag, just cut the zip part off.


Step 1: The first thing you’ll need to do is make a hole in the bottom center of one bowl. This is how we’ll attach the straw. Place the tip of a heated glue gun onto the center mark of the bowl. Don’t press hard or you’ll crack the plastic. Just gently push until the glue gun melts a hole in the plastic.

Push and stretch gently until the hole is just barely big enough for the straw to fit in. You will be left with a perfect hole! This was my first time using this technique and I am amazed how well it worked.

Step 2: Insert a straw into the hole you just made, then secure it in place with a ring of hot glue.

Step 3: Fill the cup with paper shreds, candy and any little items you want to give as gifts.

Step 4: Place a second bowl upside down on top of the first bowl, line up the rims, the attach them together with strips of clear tape.

Step 5: Place the lollipop inside of the plastic bag. Gather up the bottom and tie a ribbon around the plastic and the straw. The two corners of the bag stick out quite a bit, so I just folded those down and taped them in place.

Then you should have some adorable and festive lollipops!

These would be a really cute party favor. They’d be fun to make for your kids. They’re just fun period! If I were giving them out as party favors, I would cut holes the same size as the straws into a piece of cardboard, place that inside a pretty box, then stand all of the lollipops up so they’d be displayed nicely. So cute!

Lollipop Gifts Video Tutorial

If you like this craft, you might also like my giant cherries made out of serving bowls. You can fill the cherries with gifts too!

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